
The M(B)A at Saxion University was a specific combination of an imaginative class work with a persistent laborious self-instruction. The program definitely took me out of the comfort zone and forced me to make all my efforts to achieve a success.

As a result, the M(B)A helped me to deeper understand my own personality, interests, and future aspirations; fill the gaps in my theoretical knowledge; gain a great deal of confidence, and make some amazing friends.

The program taught me how to communicate and work in one team with people from different countries, cultures and religions, respect the values and habits of the others remaining the carrier of the unique culture of my own nation. I have learned how to think and analyse data critically, how to manage my time effectively meeting tough deadlines. The business research course provided me with the invaluable tools, methods and skills for an effective data sourcing, analysis, and presentation in any field of my future career. The Saxion M(B)A helped me to develop my leadership skills and grow as an individual. After the program, I better know what are my talents and selling points in the competitive labour market. We had really unforgettable time together with my new friends not only during the classes but also at leisure by cooking, travelling and sharing our life experience. I deeply appreciate the on-going support and encouragement of our lecturers and course coordinators helping me to stand and successfully complete this challenging program.

This program has shown me that I am able to stand more than I could previously imagine and achieve better results than I can expect. Don’t be afraid to extend the limits of your capacity!

Petro, student Master of Arts in Management
Petro, class of 2015 - 2016

It was the hard journey because both the expectations and the price of the mistakes were high while the final rewards were even greater. My suggestion for future M(B)A candidates is to get aware beforehand of why you are going for the M(B)A, what you expect and how you intend to apply your future new status. If you are clear about it, make extra efforts and achieve the excellent result you will be proud of for the rest of your life!