
Since the end of last century, machine vision systems have already been used to take over visual tasks from people carrying out work on the assembly line. However, since the beginning of this century machine vision systems are increasingly used to get more detailed information from more complex situations.

Where previously identification of products using barcodes was done, machine vision systems nowadays have to be linked to robotic systems, such as grippers and self-navigating platforms. In addition, machine vision systems are also often used in an industrial production process to find errors, check quality, inspect and analyse and / or speed up the production process. The majority of automated production systems are nowadays never equipped without a machine vision system. Within this project we work together with two industrial partners, who both want to invest in the development of knowledge in the field of computer vision.

project Approach

This project will mainly be divided into 2 parallel sub-projects; a project that describes the activities for IMS BV, and a subproject that describes the activities at Voortman Steel Machinery. This separation makes it possible to shield company-specific information. However, due to the parallel implementation, the generic knowledge is developed more efficiently and synergy benefits can be achieved by holding workshops or student presentations with experts from both companies. It has therefore been decided to merge these 2 sub-projects in this Di-Vision project.

  • IMS: IMS wants to invest in knowledge development in the vision field in order to run the pre-development process more efficiently and to serve their customers better in the field of machine vision;
  • Voortman: In order to improve their position in the steel market, Voortman wants to check the sheet metal with the aid of a vision system for the right dimensions. The ultimate goal is to develop a vision system that automatically recognizes plasma cut sheet metal, with which it can be localized. 

Duration project

Start project: 01-02-2017 - End project: 31-07-2018




Hogeschool in Enschede, Deventer en Apeldoorn

Voortman Steel Group - RGB - JPG verkleind.jpg

Voortman Steel Construction

Stagepartnerdag Bouwkunde, Bouwtechnische Bedrijfskunde en BK5


Tech for Future

Division Project Foto.jpg

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