How Susan Kigula freed herself

How Susan Kigula freed herself and changed the Ugandan legan system

Saxion Enschede, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

Susan Kigula was 21 when she was convicted for murdering her partner and sentenced to death by hanging. In prison she managed to get access for women to secondary school -it was already in place for men- and graduate Highschool. She continued to study Law and after graduating was able to free herself and hundreds of others from death row. A lot of innocent people end up in prison because they can’t afford a lawyer, says Susan. She will tell you a story of hope, courage, decisiveness and individual growth. And describe how she managed to change the Ugandan Legal system and participate in the African Prison Project, improving human rights in Uganda. 

In context of the European Day Against the Death Penalty 10/10/2021

  • Saxion Enschede, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

  • 25 oktober 2021 - 09:00 tot 18:00

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