Studenten Mechatronica hbo Saxion werken samen aan een project

Students & Education

The Mechatronics Research Group contributes to the education of various bachelor’s degree programs in the Engineering domain. The research group provides assignments for projects as well as complete courses related to the expertise in the research group. The possibilities throughout the various programs are described below. Students with various backgrounds are encouraged to explore the possibilities to contribute to the work of the research group and the various research projects.

Minor programs 

The Mechatronics research group is highly involved in the minors “Robotics and Vision” and "Industrial Automation".

  • Robotics and Vision: This minor addresses the modelling and control of various types of robots, design and implementation of advanced controllers and the design and development of vision systems (both hardware and software). During a project, students work on assignments related to the research projects of the research group. The minor is hosted by the bachelor’s degree program Mechatronics and various researchers act as lecturers in the minor courses.
  • Industrial Automation:  The Industrial Automation minor focuses on the automation of production processes and systems. This minor provides you with the basic knowledge about the automation of these systems. The minor covers topics like sensors, actuators, industrial networks, control & monitoring systems (PLC, SCADA), machine vision, analysis/simulation/optimization of production lines.

More information about our minor programs? Please contact researcher and lecturer Max Snippe: (Robotics and Vision) or Joris Spikker: (Industrial Automation). 

Student assignments

Students from various programs are welcome to perform individual internship of graduation assignments. These assignments are always related to running research projects. The researchers act as (company) coaches to enable excellent performance of students.

If your ideal assignment is not listed above, students from engineering domain programmes (e.g. mechatronics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, (applied) computer science and applied physics) are welcome to contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Further educational activities

The research group is active in the following educational activities:

  • Client in second year projects in the bachelor’s degree Mechatronics;
  • Client in the Smart Solutions Semester within the cluster Industrial Automation 2.
Student Mechatronica opleiding Saxion aan de slag met autonoom voertuig met robotische arm Student Mechatronica opleiding Saxion aan de slag met apparatuur van Demcon Studenten Mechantronica hbo Saxion aan het werk in het Mechatronicalab Studenten Mechatronica hbo Saxion aan het werk in een Mechatronicalab

More information or any questions?

Max Snippe

Max Snippe

Researcher and Project Lead

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