Studenten Fashion & Textile Technologies Saxion geven presentatie

Become a sustainable professional in the fashion and textile world

  • Bachelor (Fulltime)
  • 4 Years
  • Enschede
  • Start date September

Calling all ambitious textiles trailblazers! Join the Fashion & Textile Technology programme and get ready to lead the way in the transformation of a dynamic global industry. Explore sustainable materials and let your creativity soar with the latest technologies, from 3D printing to data analytics. Become an expert in international supply chains and circularity, and be the force behind the positive changes our world needs. This is the future of textiles, and we are here to get you off to a flying start as a global pioneer.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Industry and innovation

Understanding the process of creating a textile product allows you to build something better. That's why this programme emphasizes material and product development. The industry is in dire need of sustainable and smarter solutions to improve its outputs and outcomes. These solutions can be driven by businesses, consumers, or governments. European legislation, for example, now requires the textile industry to make significant sustainability changes in production as well as procurement. Since this is a global effort with English as its working language, you will conduct your second year projects in English at CEFR B2 or C1 level. 

decent work and economic growth

Fair work and economic growth

Textile production takes place all over the world, with a significant portion in developing countries where workers often face exploitation and low wages. We thoroughly cover the supply chain to uncover the true origins of products. We calculate labor costs and assess the selection of production countries. The insights you gain here can help challenge the status quo and promote solutions that encourage fair wages for fair work. This commitment is central to our mission, so every subject in the Fashion & Textile Technology programme focuses on both sustainable and fair production and consumption.

responsible consumption and production

Sustainable consumption and production

In our programme, you will delve into the workings of the textile industry, including the organization of supply chains. With this knowledge, you'll be able to go a step further and develop innovative solutions and ideas to transform the industry. This might involve creating sustainable production methods or offering eco-friendly products. In all subjects, the needs of the sustainable consumer are always at the forefront.

Starters Information

What you need to know before you start your education.

Taster activities

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During your studies in Fashion & Textile Technologies

This unique and versatile programme covers the entire lifecycle of textiles, from raw materials to finished products and back again. You'll learn how traditional textile materials are made and discover new ways to use them. Imagine charging your smartphone through your sportswear! You'll source products from international partners, develop new sustainable materials and create a collection. Additionally, you'll come up with and implement ideas on recycling. 

Course content

News about this programma

Opportunities after graduating in Fashion & Textiles

The Fashion & Textile Technologies programme has the hallmark of 'Sustainable Higher Education'. This signifies that every aspect of the programme emphasizes sustainable production and consumption, innovation, and fair work. You will not just become an expert in sustainability but also a valuable all-round professional with comprehensive knowledge of the industry—from materials and procurement to collection assembly, sales, and entrepreneurship. These skills will make you an essential link between people who design, make, and buy clothes. With this degree in your pocket, you can apply to clothing companies anywhere in the world.

Career prospects
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